Last week was my birthday so my boyfriend took me to Bristol Hobbycraft. Oh My! I was in heaven!
I just wanted to stay there all day but he finally managed to drag me out and it's a good job he did, so that I didn't spend any more money!! So what did I buy?

Look at all that gorgeous stash!! Have been playing with some of it already... although the papers are too beautiful to cut into right away!
I have signed up for Shimelle's Learn Something New Everyday and as today was the first promt I decided that I needed to get myself in gear so have been making some pretty embellishments to go on my pages. Yes I know should do the cover first but am not totally sure what I want to do yet, may have a play later. Anyways here are my button flowers:

Have made 30 of them so that there is one for each day, took me a while as I hand stitched all the buttons but I think they are pretty! Well had better start organising myself, thanks for looking! xx