Oh well... one consolation I have about being home is that while I was away my amazingly wonderful parents created a work space for crafting in my bedroom for me. I now have my very own space :)

Ok, it's nowhere near as good as some people's but it's just nice to have my own space and not have to steal the dining room table whenever I can!! Although I think that my parents actually had a ulterior motive because they wanted their dining room/conservatory back which is where I have had all my stash stored up till now!! Well just a few more things to bring up and sort out then I need to catch up with LSNED!!
Oh how nice to catch a week of sunshine by the sea..no wonder you didn't want it to finish! ANd how wonderful of your Mum & Dad!! It's a marvellous space -as good as anybody's because it's yours. Have you had a look at our plans for a retreat day - only about 40 minutes from you gal. On my blog, click the 2 scrap ladies button. Enjoy your new space!